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How to do yoga at home | 10 Yoga Positions For beginners |
How to do yoga at home | 10 Yoga Positions For beginners |
Hello friends! I hope you all are doing well and are having a fit lifestyle. In this article, we are going to tell you about how to do yoga at home.
And what are the Yoga Positions ( Aasan), you should try if you are looking for Yoga.
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How To Do Yoga At Home |
And for that, we start looking for heavy exercises by going to the gym. But there are some who believe in natural remedies for living the natural fit lifestyles.
So, today we come up with a new topic 'How to do yoga at home | 10 Yoga Positions For beginners'.
There are many people who want to practice yoga for different benefits. They know it is beneficial but they don’t know how to do it.
And there are many beginners who scroll down their information feeds for finding the best way to do yoga especially for beginners.
Friends if you are here on this blog then you want to practice yoga at home. Don't worry you will get to know how you can do yoga without getting afraid.
Because it is possible for anyone who is new and a beginner as it is simple to practice. All you want is dedication and discipline.
But I want to ask, do you also think that yoga is just a practice which can make you calm and relaxed?
Let me tell you, this is not the end of the benefits of yoga. Yoga consists of several benefits and natural gifts regarding health and, beauty, mind, concentration, spirituality, and so on.
Yoga helps in reducing stress, it improves your breathing process and gives you the best-fit version of you. Many of you are looking for weight loss or fitness practices.
So it’s a perfect decision. And what if you get everything in just one move that is yoga? And friends yoga can be practiced anywhere, no matter if it is your public park or your home.
In this blog, you will get to know about the information that you are looking for.
So, not wasting your more time let's just jump into our today's topic. You just need to spend a pinch of your important time reading my blog.
The most important thing that you need for doing yoga, don’t forget it is the most important thing.
That is ‘mat’ hahaha. Well, you need to name it whatever you want, as I did ! I named my mat Dolg. It is strange, isn’t it?
First thing you will have to do friends find a place in your home where you feel comfortable and free.
Release yourself from everything and take a deep breath and invite a disciplined and dedicated version of you.
So here we start what steps we will have to follow. Before initiating any yoga it’s a protocol or considers it. The best way to initiate yoga practice.
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We must start from the very first relaxing warm-up that warms up your body and ready your body to perform other Aasan.
Let's get to know about ten Yoga poses you should try at your home.
Here we are...
Anulom Vilom ( relaxing yoga practice )
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pranayama yoga |
It is simple and minor to perform this pose. Choose your meditation sitting position.
Keep your neck and spine very straight and gently close your eyes. Clear your mind, free yourself from everything.
Press your ring finger on your left nostril and the thumb on the right nostril.
Close your right nostril with the thumb and inhale through your left nostril, softly and deeply. Do this until your lungs are full of air.
Focus on your breath. After this release your thumb and close your left nostril with the ring finger. Exhale very softly through the right nostril.
Do it reversely. Be conscious about your breathing during this practice, it provides peace and relaxation to your mind and provides a bulk of energy to your body.
It may feel strange at first, do it until you feel uncomfortable.
Don’t try to go beyond your tolerance and be in your comfort zone. Do this on the regular basis before performing any other Aasan.
First, you need to be relaxed and controlled before looking for other practices.
Triangle pose ( Trikonasana )
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trikonasana pose |
Well don’t think that I’m telling you to become a triangle it's not like that. To perform this yoga pose, stand straight and spread your legs the distance between the feet should be wider.
Hands straight parallel to the floor. After that bend your left side and force yourself to touch your left foot with your left hand.
Stay like this for 10 to 20 seconds and repeat the same with the other side.
This is the twisting motion of the yoga Aasan, it improves the digestion and reduces the extra fat that is stored in your belly. It is best for building muscles.
Upwards Dog
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upward dog yoga |
I consider this Aasan as one of the relaxing Aasan, it provides relaxation to your neck and back.
To perform this pose: Lie flat on your stomach and extend your hands forward and palms facing downwards.
After that keep your hands right below your shoulders, and slightly lift your upper body and look up like you are trying to see something very curiously. Your lower thighs and abdomen should be flat on the floor.
Warrior Pose ( Virabhadrasana)
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warrior yoga pose |
This pose seems like an attention position of a warrior, this Aasan concentrates on the core body muscles and provides strength to other body parts.
It also tones muscles in an effective manner. If you do this Aasan on a regular basis, it is best for engaging your muscles for a long time.
It strengthens core muscles in your abdominal area. Helps to achieve perfect body shape. And it also boosts the energy level of your body.
Calmly extend your leg, it must look more straightened. The knee should not be bent and Place the heel of the back leg on the floor. Balance your body, stay in the position.
Twist the upper half so that you will face sideways. Raise your hands on either side. Stay like this for at least 5 breaths and repeat the same with the other side.
Well, it improves blood flow in the respiratory tracts. Ensure that your palms are facing downward not upward, and body weight should be distributed equally on all sides.
Chair Pose
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chair yoga |
It’s so simple! you have to sit on your imaginary chair. Stand straight along with your feet joined together and join your hands by your side.
After that raise your arms above your head in such a way so that your palms face each other and now bend very slowly from your knees.
Same as you may do in a squat position. Make sure the thighs are just parallel to the floor. Stay like this for 10-15 seconds.
Boat Pose
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boat pose |
It’s one of the pretty poses as it seems like a boat. Just like a name when you practice this pose you seem exactly like a boat.
To perform this boat style Aasan, lie flat on the floor with your hands by side.
After that slowly lift your upper body and legs, it would seem like your body forms a V shape.
Keep your hands straight and parallel to the floor. Stay like this for 10-20 seconds.
Bridge Pose ( Setu Bandha Sarvangasana )
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bridge pose |
It is the pose, it seems like a bridge when your body practices it. Initiate by lying on your back, bending your knees, and flatten your feet.
Place your heels firmly on the mat, lift the tailbone up so that your lower back and hips should be off the mat.
Place your hands under your hips and clutch the fingers together.
Utilize your glute muscles, hamstrings, and midsection to keep your base and back up.
Deliver your fingers and gradually drop your tailbone. Relax and repeat.
Bow pose ( Dhanurasana )
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bow pose |
To play out this Aasan, lie flat on the stomach. After that, gradually begin lifting your chest area, much the same as you do in cobra pose, and simultaneously lift both your legs.
Now just hold your legs with your hands and remain in the pose however long you feel comfortable.
Child Pose
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child pose |
Initiate by sitting on the floor in Vajrasana. After that drop your head down on the mat by laying your belly on the top of your thighs.
For beginners, their head probably won't touch the mat, yet that is alright. Stretch your hands forward, with your palms touching the front of the tip of the mat, directly before your head. hold this position for 10-20 seconds and just relax.
Plank posture ( Phalakasana )
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plank pose |
Lay flat on your stomach. After this lift your body slowly from the mat by using the force of your hands.
Ensure that your body should be straight from head to heels.
Make sure your wrist is on the mat and your shoulders are right above your wrist.
It would seem like a push-up position. Hold this pose for a few seconds, engage abdominals, and relax gently.
Corpse pose ( Shavasana )
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corpse pose |
Flat on your back with your arms on the side. palms should be facing down. focus that you are relaxing your body by inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.
Release the breath and make relax yourself. After performing all the Aasan, perform this relaxing Aasan. It makes you feel very relaxed and more alive.
Trust me friends it is definitely going to be helpful. Just try it once and include it in your daily routine.
Then you will see the difference in you. You are not going to get disappointed.
Friends these are the some few tips 'How to do yoga at home | 10 Yoga Positions For beginners |
You can do all or you can choose one. If you are really serious about your health and genuinely want to do Yoga then friends we will recommend you should try one of these Yoga poses we have told you about.
Because being unhealthy is not good for someone's health. As it increases lots of diseases in our body.
Stay fit and stay active. So that your day will become amazing and you don't have to worry about your physique.
We really hope you find this article useful and if you find it useful please tell us in the comment box and share it with your family and friends who are in need and looking for some useful tips for losing their weight.
We will come back with another useful topic next time. Till then Take care and thank you for your precious time.
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